Nudist holidays Skiathos

From Düsseldorf by direct flight I went to the Aegean Sea, to the island Skiathos.
After having visited Zakynthos several times, Crete and Kos, I wanted to get to know other Greek islands.
At the holiday guru I found a very cheap offer in May 2019 in a 4-star hotel. One thing I can say in advance – I have not regretted it !
Already the landing on the relatively small island Skiathos was an adventure. During the landing approach, one thinks to land in the middle of the sea. The runway is quite short, at the beginning and at the end is the sea. Correspondingly, the pilot steps heavily on the brake. By taxi I went to my hotel, the Skiathos-Palace at the other end of the island. To give you an idea of the distance : the “other end” was only 14 kilometers away. After dinner and the first ouzos in the hotel I had to go to bed.

Of course you have to be mobile on such an island. As a nudist fan I know that the most beautiful beaches are usually the furthest away.
I wanted to take a taxi to the main town to rent a quad. The biggest, local provider was also represented in the hotel, so I got a Quad, a 450 Kymco, for 25.- Euro a day. Of course you can get it cheaper with small providers, but I was simply too lazy to give away a day and to compare. So helmet on and go. The first two days were weather-technically mixed. It was 23 degrees warm during the day, but only 18 in the evening. At the end of my week it was 29 degrees and still nice warm in the evening.
I wanted to find the legendary “Banana Beach” first. I had read before on the internet that the Banana Beach was once the official nudist beach on Skiathos.
As so often textiles took possession of this beautiful beach and supplanted the nudists. They then moved to the “Little Banana Beach”. It is located next to the Banana Beach and is smaller. But last year a luxury hotel opened there. The hotel has occupied most of the beach with luxurious beach beds. There, one pays 20 Euro for an admittedly great sunbed with umbrella. The other guests are not welcome. One actually does not want to have them any more, which is also expressed in the fact that one only gets to the beach via the area of the hotel complex. A barrier blocks the access, thus one has to walk the whole way. But there are also no parking possibilities in front of the barrier. There was not much going on in May, but I do not dare to imagine what is going on here in July and August.
I didn’t find the Banana Beach and the “Little Banana Beach” at first attempt. I stood in front of the barrier and thought that I was wrong. Only on the 5th day I found the beaches with the help of Google-Maps.

At the end of the island, near Koukonaries, the asphalted paths also end. From there it goes on only over pistes. Ideal for my Quad.
One drives through a great landscape with many views to the sea, through woods and can turn again and again to the left to different beaches.
I would like to warn you about a beach. After I had spent an afternoon twice at this beach and had eaten also in the tavern there, there was a nasty surprise.
If one drives towards the beach, one gets immediately to the tavern. The landlord has set up deck chairs there. At the end to the left and to the right there are no more reading chairs. I already saw from a distance that at least at the left end there was a small nudist colony. About 20 – 30 naked people were there every day. There I stayed and enjoyed the bikini-free beach life. Every noon I went to a tavern in the bikini and had a salad, zaziki with bread and a myth with the old and fat Greek.
Beer ordered. You got everything in self-service and everything in plastic disposable crockery with plastic fork and plastic cup. That bothered me a bit.
On the 3rd day, after lunch I lay naked at the back end, together with 20 other nudes, I suddenly heard someone yelling around. The fat old Greek from the tavern came stomped over the beach and gesticulated wildly.
He indicated that one should dress, there was no nudist here. With a few chunks of German and English he roared around that he would not tolerate nudists and that he had paid many Euros for the lease of the beach. Several men next to me simply ignored the guy, whereupon he stormed on them. Not much would have been missing and he would have become violent. Finally he stomped back again and yelled, he wanted to call the police.
I got dressed and drove to another beach. I didn’t go there anymore.
I recommend you not to visit this beach. One should not support such an attitude, also the much plastic is certainly not worth supporting.
5 minutes further you get to an equally beautiful beach. The tavern was better, no plastic and some naked people could be seen outside the managed area. The beach was a bit rougher, because it was not as protected as the beach before, so the next days I tanned my naked bottom there.

The real life takes place in the capital Skiathos. The old town reminds a bit of Ibiza. Everywhere there are small bars and great restaurants with a view of the harbour.
But in the evening it was too cold for me on the Quad. Despite sweater and jacket. Also I wanted to put on my short dress. So what to do ? Problem-free I could exchange on the 3rd day my Quad against a red Jimny Jeep. From there on, it went on with the Jeep. Also with it I could explore further beaches and drive over the unpaved roads. I found great places and was mostly all alone on the way, so that with rising temperatures I could also park my wardrobe accordingly freely to minimalistically. In the hotels and at the beaches I felt the price level as quite high for Greek conditions. In Skiathos-City, on the other hand, it was again very cheap, probably because of the many competitors. In my hotel, a cocktail cost e.g. 10,50 Euro and an ouzo 4.- Euro. So I went to a local bar in the evening and paid half of the price.
On the 5th day I also found the “Little Banana Beach”.
Unfortunately the weather was not so good this morning. For a few hours I indulged in the luxury of the super loungers, unfortunately it was too cool to undress. As the restaurant at this beach should be outrageously expensive, I am at noon again to my nudist beach with the cheap tavern.
On the penultimate day I went on a boat trip.
For 90 Euro I rented a boat and could drive around the whole island. This is very recommendable. There are not many boats on the way, so you can take off your bikini without hesitation. That’s how I handled it the whole day. I went to beaches that are only accessible from the water. Finally I went to the small uninhabited island “Arkos” there is a small restaurant. I had a tasty meal and there was a bit of a “Robinson feeling”. After the meal I went to a small neighbouring island with a white beach. There I was all alone and could roast in the sun. The boat trip was really a highlight.

In the summary I have often wondered which island is better suited for a nudist holiday : Zakynthos, Skiathos or Crete ?
On Crete I was in a nudist facility, the Vritomartis. There it is quite conservative. The average age of the guests is high and the beach at the hotel is only a pebble beach. On Crete the distances are huge. In the nudist hotel nothing is going on in the evening.
On Zakynthos I felt very comfortable at Dionysos Beach. But apart from this beach nudism was quite limited possible. What if Dionysos is no longer at his beach ? But the evening entertainment in Zakynthos was good. In Laganas one had the choice between many taverns and bars. You can reach everything on foot from the hotel.
On Skiathos there are more beaches and more nudist possibilities. It is a bit more expensive and you have to be mobile. In the evening it is a bit difficult. The people are not all as nice as I have often experienced in Greece. Skiathos is just more touristically developed. Skiathos is mainly visited by English guests. I would not go there in July or August. It should become very full and the temperatures rise very high.
In any case, I am thinking about going there again next year.
Of course I only show a small part of my photos and videos here – all uncensored pictures are available after the age check, in Member-section