Goodbye to my convertible
My SLK has been with me for many years. Most recently, it was only registered in summer with a seasonal licence plate. In the meantime, however, I have come to the conclusion that the car is no longer worth it for me.
Of course it’s nice to cruise around in summer with the roof down and bare breasts. That used to be my dream. But when I look at it objectively and remember the times I’ve actually gone on trips by car in recent years, it’s been pretty rare!

I’ve now realised that a car like this is totally stylish, but very impractical in everyday life. The shopping doesn’t fit in, getting in and out is a pain, etc.
I only drove the car with a seasonal licence plate in the summer and kept it in the garage in the winter, so it wasn’t quite as expensive, but I hardly ever make the initial trips to the Eifel or the Meuse any more. It hurts my soul, but now the SLK is being sold. I will certainly cry a tear or two
I’ve added a few of my impressions of convertible life here. Of course, there are also some adult pictures, which you can find after logging in to the members area.

I did a little farewell lap today and hoped it would be a bit warmer so that I could ride open and feel the wind on my bare breasts once more. But that was nothing, it was far too cold. So I took another look at the best pictures with my convertible….

As a nudist, I have of course often travelled completely naked in my convertible in summer. When I’m in it, you can hardly see that I’m naked from the outside. So I’m not bothering anyone. Besides, I tend to drive in secluded areas where nobody comes anyway. But it’s a great and liberating feeling. I can’t show these pictures here, because of course you can also see the ‘forbidden places’. So I’ll continue in the members area after the age check.